Exercise to Lose Weight - Interval Training Workouts

A study conducted by McMaster University in Canada examined the benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIT) on the body's metabolism as compared to traditional exercise programs. What they found was astonishing.
Using a regular stationary bicycle, participants performed 10 one-minute high-intensity sprints with about 60 seconds of rest in between, and they did this three times per week. It was discovered that this mode of exercise produced the same physical benefits as traditional endurance training that would require biking for 10 hours over a two-week period! Interval training is the best exercise to lose weight.
Another study conducted at Colorado University measured the metabolic rate and caloric expenditure of participants who performed these high-intensity interval training exercises in a carefully controlled environment. The study used five male volunteers between the ages of 25 and 31, and they were put through an exercise stress test as well as an assessment for body composition and resting metabolic rate before testing began.
Then, for 3 days, the participants ate a carefully formulated diet to give them just the calories they needed without over- or under-consuming. Finally, they were checked in to a research facility where their rooms were meticulously climate-controlled and their diets remained the same. For two days, the volunteers mostly just "hung out," watching TV or playing on the computer. On one day, however, the men were asked to complete a high-intensity interval workout on a stationary bicycle. They completed five high-resistance intervals at 30 seconds each with four minutes of easy-resistance recovery time in between, while coaches said motivating and encouraging things over the intercom. Are intervals the best exercise to lose weight?
The results? Researchers found that the volunteers burned an average of 200 extra calories on the exercise day, even though they had only exercised intensely for 2.5 minutes! How's that for extra benefit?
Can you imagine burning an extra 200 calories per day? And it can all be accomplished in a minimal amount of time with interval training. Interval training is very time efficient. It can be tailored to fit into your lifestyle and schedule, so you won't be able to use "I don't have time" as an excuse.
Interval training is a scientifically researched and backed approach to losing weight and gaining muscle tone. It uses science to increase caloric depletion, which burns away the layer of extra fat that you may have, and then utilizes strength based exercises to tone the muscle that is laying dormant underneath.
It also avoids plateaus in your training by supplying you with a tool box of training exercises, tips and small tweaks that will help you to burst through to your next level. With its self guided and assessed approach, it guarantees that your routine will never become stale.
The packages supply you with all the tools that you need for success. The high intensity plyometric routines (jump box training), restorative yoga sequences and the unprocessed food recipe planner are all sure fire tools to help you reach your goals of weight loss and muscle strengthening. Consider doing intervals as an investment in your health!
I started doing intervals, within my plyometric workouts, a few years ago and I definitely feel the difference in my fitness level. I've increased tone and tightness in my problem areas- my abdominals and deltoids.
If you're looking to break through to the next level, give intervals at try!
Alan Black is a certified yoga teacher, fitness expert and author/creator of the ground breaking book- Yogi's Guide to Health and Fitness. Alan advocates a three prong "attack" on health- a daily yoga practice, a leveled plyometric regiment and a diet based on un-processed foods. Visit his website today, http://yogisguidetohealth.com, and join his newsletter to receive a free downloadable chapter of his book!


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